Sensor Integration

In this section, we provide and example on how to include sensor data into the IoTCrawler framework. The sourcecode for this example can be accessed at

This example ‘translates’ CityProbe data available at into the IoTCrawler information model. The information model can be found at …

Example data (CityProbe)

Let’s have a look at the data provided by a CityProbe sensor in Aarhus. It can be accessed with: For demonstration we have set the limit to 1.

  "help": "",
  "success": true,
  "result": {
    "include_total": true,
    "resource_id": "7e85ea85-3bde-4dbf-944b-0360c6c47e3b",
    "fields": [
        "type": "int",
        "id": "_id"
        "info": {
          "notes": "St\u00f8j i et JSON-objekt med hhv. gennemsnit, minimum og maksimumsv\u00e6rdier\r\n* Enhed: dB SPL",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "St\u00f8j"
        "type": "json",
        "id": "noise"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Kulilte/carbonmonoxid m\u00e5lt i et 12-bit interval (0 - 4095) p\u00e5 en 3.3V linje. \r\nOpl\u00f8sningen er 0.8 mV per enhed. Modstanden formindskes ved tilstedev\u00e6relsen af CO og carbonhydrider.\r\n",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Kulilte"
        "type": "int4",
        "id": "CO"
        "info": {
          "notes": "* Enhed: Celcius\r\n* Pr\u00e6cision: \u00b10.5\u00b0C\r\n",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Temperatur"
        "type": "float8",
        "id": "temperature"
        "info": {
          "notes": "* Enhed: \u03bcg/m3",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Partikelforurening (10 \u00b5m)"
        "type": "int4",
        "id": "PM10"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Batterikapacitet i procent\r\nEnheden oplades ved hj\u00e6lp af et solpanel",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Batterikapacitet"
        "type": "float8",
        "id": "battery"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Regnintensitet i et JSON-objekt med hhv. gennemsnit, minimum og maksimumsv\u00e6rdier i dB SPL.\r\nM\u00e5lemetoden er en mikrofon under en polycarbonath\u00e6tte, som m\u00e5ler peak amplitude og frekvensen af dr\u00e5ber, som rammer toppen. P\u00e5 Open Data DK er v\u00e6rdierne r\u00e5 og ikke analyseret.",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Regnintensitet"
        "type": "json",
        "id": "rain"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Enhed: %RH\r\nPr\u00e6cision: \u00b13 %RH\r\n",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Luftfugtighed"
        "type": "float8",
        "id": "humidity"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Lysintensitet m\u00e5lt i lux",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Dagslys"
        "type": "int4",
        "id": "illuminance"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Lufttryk m\u00e5lt i hPa\r\nPr\u00e6cision: \u00b11.0 hPa",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Lufttryk"
        "type": "float8",
        "id": "pressure"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Tidsstempel for m\u00e5lingen i UTC og ISO 8601-format",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Tidsstempel"
        "type": "text",
        "id": "published_at"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Enhed: \u03bcg/m3",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Partikelforurening (2.5 \u00b5m)"
        "type": "int4",
        "id": "PM2.5"
        "info": {
          "notes": "ID for den p\u00e5g\u00e6ldende enhed, som har foretaget m\u00e5lingen.",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Enhedsid"
        "type": "text",
        "id": "deviceid"
        "info": {
          "notes": "Kv\u00e6lstofdioxid m\u00e5lt i et 12-bit interval (0 - 4095) p\u00e5 en 3.3V linje. \r\nOpl\u00f8sningen er 0.8 mV per enhed. Modstanden for\u00f8ges ved tilstedev\u00e6relsen af CO og carbonhydrider.",
          "type_override": "",
          "label": "Kv\u00e6lstofdioxid"
        "type": "int4",
        "id": "NO2"
        "type": "int4",
        "id": "firmware_version"
        "type": "text",
        "id": "device_id"
    "records_format": "objects",
    "records": [
        "_id": 794720,
        "noise": "{\"max\": \"67.46\", \"average\": \"61.57\", \"min\": \"56.86\"}",
        "CO": 825,
        "temperature": 0,
        "PM10": 0,
        "battery": 89.59,
        "rain": "{\"max\": \"492\", \"average\": \"215.05\", \"min\": \"96\"}",
        "humidity": 0,
        "illuminance": 49595,
        "pressure": 0,
        "published_at": "2020-06-17T10:20:35.255Z",
        "PM2.5": 0,
        "deviceid": "20004c000d50483553343720",
        "NO2": 889,
        "firmware_version": 49,
        "device_id": null
    "limit": 1,
    "offset": 792392,
    "_links": {
      "start": "/api/3/action/datastore_search?limit=1&resource_id=7e85ea85-3bde-4dbf-944b-0360c6c47e3b",
      "prev": "/api/3/action/datastore_search?offset=792391&limit=1&resource_id=7e85ea85-3bde-4dbf-944b-0360c6c47e3b",
      "next": "/api/3/action/datastore_search?offset=792393&limit=1&resource_id=7e85ea85-3bde-4dbf-944b-0360c6c47e3b"
    "total": 792920

The provided data contains some meta information within the fields list. The data itself is contained in the records list. In our case there is just one entry because of the limit set before. So let us just have a look at the “data”:

    "_id": 794720,
    "noise": "{\"max\": \"67.46\", \"average\": \"61.57\", \"min\": \"56.86\"}",
    "CO": 825,
    "temperature": 0,
    "PM10": 0,
    "battery": 89.59,
    "rain": "{\"max\": \"492\", \"average\": \"215.05\", \"min\": \"96\"}",
    "humidity": 0,
    "illuminance": 49595,
    "pressure": 0,
    "published_at": "2020-06-17T10:20:35.255Z",
    "PM2.5": 0,
    "deviceid": "20004c000d50483553343720",
    "NO2": 889,
    "firmware_version": 49,
    "device_id": null

As can be seen the data contains noise, CO, temperature, PM10, battery, rain, humidity, illuminance, pressure, PM2.5, and NO2 as data fields. Besides that, deviceid contains the relation to the measuring sensor and published_at contains a timestamp of the measurement. The other fields are not used in this example.

Translation into IoTCrawler model

In the IoTCrawler information model (cf. …) we have to split the provided information from the CityProbe dataset. In our example we will have:

  • 1 Platform hosting 11 sensors

  • 11 Sensors (one for each datafield)

  • 11 IoTStreams (one for each Sensor)

  • 11 ObservableProperties (one for each Sensor)

  • 11 StreamObservations (one for each Sensor)

With the help of the provided script these entities are created. For details please have a look at

Connection to MDR/Broker

The translated data is stored into the MDR by using the standardised NGSI-LD API (see NGSI-LD API). In the example script, this is done in a threaded way to avoid blocking. The broker can return several HTTP status codes as feedback, while accessing its interface at:

POST /ngsi-ld/v1/entities/
Status Codes

In case of a 409 status code we have to PATCH the entity as it is already existing. The interface will change to

POST /ngsi-ld/v1/entities/ENTITYID/attrs/

where ENTITYID has to be replaced by the entity that should be updated. Additionally, the id and type has to be deleted from the provided entity in NGSI-LD format. Within the script this is done automatically.


The sourcecode for the example can be found at