
The search-enabler component is targeted to REST endpoint for GraphQL queries coming from IoT applications.

For creating, debugging and testing GraphQL queries a GraphiQL GUI environment provided.

See the tutorial for more details.


The search-enabler is implemented using as IoTCrawlerClient provided by a core library (see Orchestrator for more details). As a result it builds orchestrator library during the build process.

sh install

During the build process all the modules are will be installed installed into a local maven repository.


The search-enabler is deployable as a docker container.

A docker image for deployment can be build by the following command:

sh build-image


A Google’s Jib maven plugin is used for building image, so there is no traditional Dockerfile. Use build-command instead.

A helm chart configures the search-enabler to be deployed on Kubernetes cluster.

A gitlab CI configuration configures the building process deployment flow.


  1. IOTCRAWLER_ORCHESTRATOR_URL - URL of NGSI-LD endpoint (orchestrator or MDR Broker).

  2. VERSION - for debug purposes during deployment. Automatically taken for the commit ID during image build.