Start Orchestrator

Orchestrator works on top of Metadata Repository (handles subscription requests) or the Ranking Component(handles all types of GET requests). Make sure that at least one of these two component is already running.

Configuration of orchestrator and supplementary services is described in the docker-compose file. Clone the repository to have the file locally:

git clone
cd orchestrator
cd com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator

Make sure that you’ve checked/adjusted environment variables according to the Documentation. To run orchestrator and other services execute the following command:

docker-compose up -f docker-compose.yml

This will start the docker containers for Orchestrator and RabbitMQ. Output of the command will be similar to following.

INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.Orchestrator] - <Initializing web server>
DEBUG [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.clients.NgsiLD_MdrClient] - <Initializing NgsiLD_MdrClient to CurURIs=false>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.fiware.clients.NgsiLDClient] - <This product includes software developed by NEC Europe Ltd>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.Orchestrator] - <Initialized NGSI-LD Client to>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.Orchestrator] - <Starting orchestrator>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.Orchestrator] - <Syncing with Redis at redis://redis>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.Orchestrator] - <Initializing web server>
DEBUG [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.core.clients.RabbitClient] - <Trying connect to Rabbit at rabbit>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.HttpServer] - <Trying to init web server for listening at>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.HttpServer] - <Adding endpoint>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.HttpServer] - <Adding endpoint>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.HttpServer] - <Adding endpoint>
INFO [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.orchestrator.Orchestrator] - <Starting built-in web server>
DEBUG [com.agtinternational.iotcrawler.core.clients.RabbitClient] - <Connection to Rabbit rabbit established>

You can check the running containers with following command:

docker ps -a

The command should return you the following output:

d6843fcca0ae   "java -server -cp /a…"   
af9c84616883        rabbitmq:management                                           "docker-entrypoint.s…"  

If everything is running fine then you should be able to see the version by executing the following command:

curl http://localhost:3001/version

You can stop the containers and clean your environment when you are finished.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down